Take a moment, and just be present...in His presence

It’s a Shore Thing


I love the beach. There is nothing like sitting on the shore and listening to the waves lap upon the sand. There was a time in my life when I made a concerted effort to get to the beach on a regular basis. It didn’t matter if the yard needed mowing, homework was due, or the chores needed attending to, I would make my beach time a priority.

But then, life happens.

I got busy. I got lazy. And the preparation and the packing and the drive just didn’t seem as important when I was tired from working my two jobs. I missed the beach, but I did not make the effort to get to the beach. Oh, my friends went. I saw it in the movies and on the TV screen. But of course, that’s not the same as actually being there myself.

I recently returned to the shore. After several years, I made a reservation at one of my favorite rental places, packed for the weekend, and made the trip

You know what?  The beach is still there. Beautiful. Constant. Steady.  I began to wonder what had taken me so long to get back to this place that I loved.  What had been so important as to keep me from this spot?

That morning as I sat on a bench overlooking the vastness of the sea, I had to close my eyes as the sun began to rise above the horizon and assume its brilliance. I felt the warmth radiating across my face, and I felt like I was home. 

As I looked around my favorite little spot, many things had changed. The landscape was not exactly the same as it had the last time I was there several years ago. The pier had been refurbished and the dunes had been replenished and were now cordoned off.  There were benches added, along with an area for grilling and a few other amenities. The scene had definitely changed.

I thought about how the landscape of my life had changed as well; the last time I was at this spot, I was in a different job and had a different circle of friends.  I drove a different car, and my youngest nephew was not even with us yet. But my dad still was.

It seemed it did not matter how much time had gone by or how much my daily life had changed, one thing had not changed–the waves still lapped up on the shore.  Beautiful. Constant. Steady. Day after day. Year after year. Decade after decade.  The rising of the sun and the continuity of the waves did not depend on whether or not I chose to be present.  But the choices I made did determine how much time I spent enjoying what was available every day.

And it occurred to me how much the ocean reflects the love of our God.  He is always there. Beautiful.  Constant. Steady. His faithfulness does not waver as our circumstances change.  He is there always.  Day after day. Decade after decade.  And generation after generation.

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;  his mercies never come to an end; they are new  every morning; great is your faithfulness — Lamentations 3:22-23

I began to taste salty water, and soon realized it was not the spray of the ocean, but my own tears as I thought about the many times I had gotten too busy or too lazy to spend time in the presence of my God.  What had taken me so long to get back to this place that I loved?  What had been so important as to keep me from this spot?

And as I began to feel the warmth radiate upward from within my soul,  I knew that I was home. Truly home.

My friends, our Father is as constant as that beach.  He is available every single day and He is beckoning you to come and sit with him.  It does not matter how long you have been away, or how far you have gone.  Luke 15:20 tells us that while the prodigal son was still a long way off, “the father ran to him.”  He is eager to spend time with you.  Make the effort.  I guarantee you will wonder what took you so long.  

Of that, I am shore.


  1. Ruby

    Another beautiful heart touching blog. You never cease to amaze me by how you can bring such life and liberty with just a pen and paper. I thank God every day that He has allowed me the privilege of not only being your friend, but by being taught such beauty from His world and Word through you.

  2. Darissa

    ” His faithfulness does not waver as our circumstances change. He is there always. Day after day. Decade after decade. And generation after generation.” I learned this just a few days ago in the midst of a raging ocean of disappointment, confusion and despair! This Truth about Who God is was all I had to sustain me. Now I am on the shore, enjoying the Son and watching the calming flow of the waves. I love your “salty water” reference because those tears always seem to come when we find our rest and peace in His arms! Business of life or apathy, both can keep us from our Father. Thanks for sharing your relationship with Jesus! Always a blessing and connection there! Darissa

  3. Jan Brick

    Beautifully written Sherri! 🙂

  4. Nilda Bridges

    Sherri ohhhhhhhh Sherri ohhhhhhhhh Sherri—tears too

  5. Kimberly

    You truly are an Amazing and Inspirational writer. I am overjoyed with how God continues to use you. Yes, He is Constant!!!! Thank you for the remarkable reminder of how important it truly is to be shore He comes first! Love you!

  6. Marinesa baez

    This is simply Amazing Sherri!!

  7. Lori

    Yes!!! Praise God He is always there!! Just waiting for us. I spent way too much time, knowing God and believing, BUT not actually having a personal relationship with Him. But He was ready with open arms, when I was ready. This is beautifully written, such talent my Dear friend💖

    • Sherri

      My story exactly. Knew of him, but did not know him. Life is so, so much better when we finally enter that relationship!! Thank you for your constant encouragement.

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