Well, I’ve passed the half century mark. No husband, no kids. Used to resent that, until I realized that Jesus really is enough. I spent the bulk of my career as the supervisor of the CT Department at a nearby hospital. My plan was to retire there. Seems God had a different plan. A couple of years ago, He made it abundantly clear that that season was over, and I was to leave. So I left. Without so much as a resume. It was the proverbial leap of faith, and although I had no idea what the future held, I know Who held it. The past two years have presented both challenges and blessings, the biggest of which was that God positioned me to be able to care for my father in his final season. God knew what Dad was to face, and He knew what Dad would need. God always knows. Prov 3:5-6 had always been a favorite scripture of mine, but two years ago I started living it like never before.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.
So I folded up my map. I’ve boxed up my GPS. If God will set my route, why would I ever try to navigate on my own?
My father went home on October 15, 2014. A difficult season has ended, which means that a new one is on the horizon. I have no idea where that will take me, but I do know Who will lead me. I trust Him with everything that I am, and I anxiously await the next step of this journey.
“Spirit lead me where my trust is without border. Let me walk upon the waters, wherever You would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander, and my faith will be made stronger, in the presence of my Savior.” –Oceans (Hillsong)
Beautiful words from a beautiful friend! I’m so glad you’ve decided to blog!
Cannot wait for the next blog. Great work.
Truly captivating and inspiring! I am eager to start catching up on your blogs. Thank You for sharing.
You are a radiant beautiful light that shines God’s glory and grace on to everyone that comes in your presence! How awesome is that!
So thankful to have discovered your blog in such perfect timing.
Sherri….I am so thankful that when you knew your season was over, that you obeyed God. We may have questions when following the Holy Spirit, but the fact that you trusted Him and obeyed Him has brought so much fruit in your life. I am so thankful that some of His plan using you to teach me about freedom!!! I will forever be greatful for how God used YOU!!! XOXOXO
I know through you being obedient, you have changed my life drastically!! I now have a relationship with God rust I didn’t even dream possible. I have grown so much since He let our paths cross. You will always be my dear sister. I love you much!!
Wonderful reminder! 🙂
Had you on my mind and in my heart today. Felt led to visit here and ask/nudge/remind/encourage you to please keep writing. The world needs what you have. I see a new river flowing to you. I asked the Lord today to position you, and give you peace so that you’ll be ready to receive from it. Love you dearly.